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Pica8 and Hardware Nation

Build scalable, cost-effective, automated networks with Pica8 PicOS® and the AmpCon® Controller.


Reduce costs & deploy faster with Pica8 PICOS® automation NOS.

A Leader In Open Networking Software

Pica8 revolutionizes the enterprise networking landscape by giving businesses the freedom to create networks tailored to their unique needs, breaking away from the constraints of proprietary, closed, and costly infrastructures. Embracing the future of open networking, Pica8 offers unmatched control, enabling companies to deploy desired solutions on their own terms. Cost-efficient plug-and-play components, coupled with end-to-end automation, dramatically reduce the total cost of ownership while enhancing network performance, scalability, and flexibility. With over a decade of experience in designing, deploying, and supporting disaggregated networks, Pica8’s Linux-based open networking tools transform even the most complex networks into secure and easy-to-manage systems. Flagship products, PicOS and AmpCon, empower businesses to take control of their network infrastructure, delivering a more resilient, programmable, and scalable networking operating system (NOS) at a lower TCO, while simplifying network automation at scale through a user-friendly interface. Below are some key benefits of Pica8.

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Benefits of Pica8

Disaggregation and flexibility

Offers expanded hardware choice, validated by the vendor for streamlined deployment, and avoids vendor lock-in.

Openness and programmability

Maintains open standards while providing pre-built integrations and specialized features for easier use and extended functionality.

Rapid innovation and customization

Leverages community advancements with a focus on stability, offering vendor-specific optimizations.

Cost savings and operational efficiency

Reduction in CAPEX/OPEX, plus streamlined deployment, automation, management, and enterprise support.

Experience unprecedented scalability, flexibility, reliability, and efficiency in your network infrastructure, promoting innovation and diverse options through competitive solutions tailored to your needs.

Significantly lower your total cost of ownership with economically viable plug-and-play components coupled with a highly automated, programmable, and transparent network infrastructure.

Liberate your business from the constraints and delays imposed by traditional networking vendors, empowering you to implement the precise solutions you need at the most opportune moments.

Select from an extensive array of switch hardware vendors, such as Edge-Core, Dell, and Delta Networks, allowing you to customize your networking ecosystem to align with your specific requirements.


Pica8 empowers businesses with cost-efficient, highly scalable, and flexible open networking solutions, revolutionizing the enterprise landscape with its expertise in network disaggregation and automation.​

Pica8 empowers businesses with cost-efficient, highly scalable, and flexible open networking solutions, revolutionizing the enterprise landscape with its expertise in network disaggregation and automation.

How Hardware Nation Can Help

Open networking can be transformative for your organization, but knowing where to start can be overwhelming. Since 2017, our seasoned network engineers have deployed solutions powered by Cumulus Linux, Pica8, IP Infusion, and SONiC. We have navigated deployment challenges, gaining a deep understanding of risks and roadblocks associated with open networking. Our expertise and ties within the ecosystem, including hardware vendors such as Edge-Core, Arista, NVIDIA, Celestica, Dell, and UfiSpace, position us uniquely to guide your open networking adoption.

SONiC NOS can be a game changer for your organization, but realizing its full value requires a trusted partner. Our team of multi-vendor experts can offer guidance and assess whether SONiC is right for your organization’s unique needs. We are partnered with industry-leading open networking vendors, and our prior real-world experience implementing open networking solutions enables us to identify the best solutions based on prior use cases. We guide customers through every stage of the implementation process, from discovery to consultation, roadmap creation, adoption, implementation, and management. Our experts, with their diverse backgrounds in networking, security, cloud, and other key areas, help determine the most effective approach to implementing an open networking solution, bridging the gap between emerging and traditional technologies.

The Ecosystem

Pica8 Resources

Pica8 Backgrounder

Pica8 is the global market leader in automated open networking solutions.

Pica8 Data Sheet

The only two-in-one NOS coupling full enterprise support with “classic” SDN.

Improving Overlay Solutions

Improving overlay solutions with hardware-based VXLAN termination.

Is Pica8 right for you?

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