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Authorized Partner

NVIDIA Cumulus Linux

The industry's most innovative networking operating system allows you to automate, customize, and scale your data center.

NVIDIA Cumulus Linux

Automate, customize, and scale your data center with the industry's leading hardened open networking operating system.

The Original Open NOS

NVIDIA Cumulus Linux is a highly scalable network operating system that offers access to its source code, allowing users to troubleshoot, optimize, and get community support quickly, meaning you no longer have to depend on a third party for troubleshooting and support. The NOS integrates the power of Linux, providing a unified stack and strong community backing, even for those unfamiliar with Linux, thanks to its simplified command line interface (CLI). The platform enables swift provisioning of large-scale data centers through Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and makes the task of setting up and troubleshooting cabling less daunting with its Prescriptive Topology Manager (PTM). Configuration is simplified with automation-ready code and BGP Unnumbered, and it offers advanced capabilities for EVPN and Layer 3 connectivity. Built for the future from its inception, Cumulus Linux pioneered disaggregation and automation, providing holistic visibility, troubleshooting, and lifecycle management via NVIDIA Cumulus NetQ. NetQ also gives users container networking tracking and visibility, directly integrating with Kubernetes API, enabling real-time access to Linux networking events across the data center fabric.

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Enhanced Flexibility & Standardization
Experience more flexibility by creating open, stable networks facilitated by standards-based protocols coupled with the freedom of Linux. Reduce complexities and get complete interoperability across your entire network with Linux, making your operations more efficient and manageable.

Reduced Costs & Increased Efficiency 
Significantly lower your TCO by utilizing existing Linux-based management tools and your current staff. Enhance efficiency by assigning more switches per engineer, ultimately lowering costs and optimizing resources.

Fast Delivery & Advanced Automation
Accelerate delivery by leveraging native integration and best-of-breed tools for monitoring, automation, analytics, and more. Achieve comprehensive end-to-end automation for continuous integration and continuous delivery workflows, enabling a faster, more streamlined operation.

Superior Network Security
Ensure better network security with industry-standard security features and additional layers of security exclusive to Cumulus Linux. This combination provides a secure, robust, and reliable networking environment, safeguarding your business’s crucial data and operations.

With Cumulus Linux, experience increased flexibility by creating open, stable networks using standards-based protocols, complemented by the freedom of Linux.

How Can Hardware Nation Help You Succeed?

Cumulus Linux can be a game changer for your organization, but realizing its full value requires a trusted partner. Our team of multi-vendor experts can offer guidance and assess whether Cumulus Linux is right for your organization’s unique needs. We are partnered with industry-leading vendors, and our prior real-world experience implementing open networking solutions enables us to identify the best solutions based on prior use cases. We guide customers through every stage of the implementation process, from discovery to consultation, roadmap creation, adoption, implementation, and management. Our experts, with their diverse backgrounds in networking, security, cloud, and other key areas, help determine the most effective approach to implementing an open networking solution, bridging the gap between emerging and traditional technologies. Below are some benefits of working with Hardware Nation:

With years of open networking and infrastructure project experience across diverse industries, including data centers, service providers, and enterprise clients, we ensure seamless integration across your entire technology stack.

We have deep relationships with the top disaggregate hardware, software, and solutions vendors, and can help you navigate the complexities of the rapidly evolving ecosystem. 

End-to-End Networking Solutions
Our team of network architects builds next-gen networks tailored to your unique use case and provides end-to-end solutions from discovery to deployment and management.

Vendor Neutrality
We follow a vendor and technology-agnostic approach to ensure you get the best holistic solution based on your needs.

NVIDIA Cumulus Linux Benefits

More Flexibility

Create open and stable networks enabled by standards-based protocols and combined with the freedom of Linux.

Increased Automation

Comprehensive end to end automation for continuous integration and continuous delivery workflows.

Reduced Cost

Significant OpEx savings by using existing Linux-based management tools and staff, and having ability to assign more switches per engineer.

Better Network Security

Get industry-standard security features and additional levels of security exclusive to Cumulus Linux.

Faster Delivery

Leverage native integration and best-of-breed tools for monitoring, automation, analytics, and much more.


Reduce complexities and benefit from complete interoperability across your entire network with Linux.

NVIDIA Cumulus Networks Resources


A toolset for real-time visibility, troubleshooting, and monitoring.

NVIDIA Cumulus Linux NOS

A flexible, open network operating system for Spectrum switches.

What Makes Cumulus Linux Unique?

Read an Ebook about the differentiators of Cumulus Linux.

Is Cumulus Linux right for you?

Or call 1-800-398-1262

Cumulus Linux™ is now the flagship NOS of the NVIDIA Spectrum™ Ethernet platform, delivering the operational efficiency needed for AI, cloud, and simulation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cumulus Linux, founded in 2010, is the original open networking NOS based on the Debian Linux distribution. Over time, its popularity has grown, with 34% of Fortune 50 companies and over 2000 customers worldwide now using it in production.

Yes, you can use the older 4.2 version of Cumulus on Broadcom-based switches. However, doing so is not advised as this version lacks recent security patches, potentially exposing you to vulnerabilities. Additionally, NVIDIA doesn’t provide support for Cumulus on Broadcom-based switches. Moving forward, the latest version of Cumulus will work only on Spectrum-based NVIDIA switches.

Cumulus is ideal for data center fabrics, supporting layer 2, layer 3, and overlay networks. Ideal deployment models include Clos, L3 network, L2 network, overlay network, and out-of-band management.

Yes, you can still get this OS. However, NVIDIA is transitioning away from it, placing it in maintenance mode without further feature development. We recommend transitioning to Cumulus as the replacement OS.

Cumulus Linux simplifies configuration through the use of BGP unnumbered and its streamlined IP approach. Additionally, it offers ready-to-use automation features. Simply cut and paste using Ansible, benefit from comprehensive Jinja2 templates, and utilize Ansible playbooks. NVIDIA also provides a full suite of network validation tests, facilitating continuous integration (CI).

Yes, SONiC is supported on NVIDIA Spectrum switches. NVIDIA provides Pure SONiC, eliminating distribution constraints and maximizing open networking benefits. Additionally, NVIDIA and Hardware Nation ensure success with SONiC through expert guidance, training, documentation, professional services, and support.

Quickly identify your needs and craft a plan of action with help from our seasoned experts.