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NVIDIA Cumulus

A web-scale networking approach that provides scalability
and agility in data centers.

The New NVIDIA Cumulus

NVIDIA’s acquisition of Cumulus Networks has propelled its position in the networking segment. NVIDIA has become the leader in end-to-end open networking for all layers of hardware and software. Get the most benefits when combining NVIDIA Spectrum based switches with a variety of operating systems including NVIDIA Cumulus Linux, SONiC, NVIDIA Onyx, and DENT.

With Cumulus Linux NOS you get a flexible open architecture, faster IT delivery, network protection, and complete standardization. With NVIDIA NetQ you get a toolset to monitor and troubleshoot your Cumulus and SONiC NOS fabrics in real time.

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NVIDIA Cumulus Networks and Hardware Nation

NVIDIA Cumulus Networks software​ enables efficiency & faster innovation across your organization, but realizing its full value requires a trusted partner. At Hardware Nation, we have the experience, expertise, and objectivity to help our customers. Our specialists can help your organization select, deploy and manage NVIDIA Mellanox technologies that drive your business. Our hands-on specialists are up to date on the latest certifications, trends, and industry insight.

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See What Our Customers are Saying

Amazing company and people to work with. They understand your needs based on your requirements. They were phenomenal in providing the support and assistance we needed for our DC hardware. I highly recommend them as a vendor/supplier for white box networking sales, support, and services.

Indra Mondal, Senior Network Engineer, Kudelski Group

NVIDIA Cumulus Networks Resources


A toolset for real-time visibility, troubleshooting, and monitoring.

NVIDIA Cumulus Linux NOS

A flexible, open network operating system for Spectrum switches.

What Makes Cumulus Linux Unique?

Read an Ebook about the differentiators of Cumulus Linux.

We are a Trusted Open Networking Source


technical resources & partners


years of industry experience


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Our Network of Partners

From hardware to software and services, we bringing you the right technology from the top industry vendors. Together, we will achieve better outcomes.

Cumulus and Hardware Nation

Together, Cumulus and Hardware Nation can help you select the best NOS option for your needs. Reach out to your account manager today and learn how you can get exclusive access to: 

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Technical Support

Or call 1-800-398-1262 to talk to a specialist.

Cumulus Linux NOS and Compatible Switches

Now that Cumulus Networks is part of NVIDIA, new versions of Cumulus Linux NOS will only be supported by Mellanox switches that have the Spectrum ASIC.

Cumulus Linux NOS

Achieve a new level of control of cost and operations with a pure Linux-based NOS.​

Mellanox Cumulus Compatible Switches

The following Mellanox Spectrum switches are compatible with Cumulus Linux NOS.

Edge-Core Cumulus Compatible Switches

These EC switches are compatible Cumulus. Please note, Cumulus Linux 4.2 will be the last release to support Broadcom ASICs.

Learn what Cumulus Networks can do for you

Is Cumulus Networks right for you?

Or call 1-800-398-1262