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The Path to SASE Adoption with Hardware Nation

Whitepaper | By |

UPDATED 9/19/2023 to reflect the latest trends and developments in this rapidly evolving technology.

Explore the benefits of SASE and learn about the key steps to a successful implementation. As many organizations contemplate the adoption of a SASE model, it is important to note that its successful implementation requires an in-depth understanding several key factors.

This white paper has been transcribed below. 

The Path to Secure Access Service Edge SASE Adoption with Hardware Nation

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) emerged in 2019 as a cloud-based networking and security architectural framework that integrates multiple network and security functions, such as SD-WAN, SSE, FWaaS, CASB, and ZTNA, into a single, cloud-delivered solution. SASE provides secure access to enterprise applications and data for users, regardless of their location or device, by leveraging cloud technology to deliver these services from a distributed network of points of presence (PoPs). This approach provides businesses with greater flexibility, scalability, and cost savings while also enhancing security and reducing complexity. The pandemic and the shift towards remote and hybrid work models led to a surge in demand for SASE as businesses sought to provide their distributed workforce with secure and reliable access to enterprise resources. It is important to note that SASE is not a new or singular technology; instead, it is a convergence of existing network and security services within a cloud-based architecture. This unified architecture offers several benefits, including reduced complexity, improved performance, increased security, simplified management, and reduced costs.

What is Driving the Adoption of SASE? 

The adoption of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is on the rise due to various key factors. Organizations need secure access to cloud-based applications from any device, which is a significant driver of SASE adoption. Additionally, organizations are seeking a consolidated, efficient, and integrated approach to network security to eliminate the need for multiple solutions. The growing threat of cyber-attacks is another factor, and SASE provides advanced threat protection, real-time detection, and response capabilities. Furthermore, the demand for optimized network performance for cloud-based applications and a solution that can reduce latency and improve reliability is on the rise. Lastly, organizations desire a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution that can grow with them and simplify deployment and management.

SASE Key Benefits:

Hardware Nation, a provider of innovative IT solutions, helps clients navigate the complexities of SASE. The process begins with discovery, where we gain an understanding of the customer’s network and security needs and challenges. We then recommend running a SASE pilot project that best addresses those challenges. Customers can choose to start with one or a few elements of SASE before exploring additional options, making the process flexible and customizable to their specific needs. A well-designed SASE solution enables organizations to realize the following benefits:

Improved Security
SASE combines a range of security capabilities, including firewalls, cloud access security brokers (CASB), and secure web gateways (SWG), into a single cloud-based solution. This enables organizations to enforce consistent security policies across all network edges, regardless of user location or device.

Better Performance
SASE leverages cloud-based infrastructure to optimize network performance for cloud-based applications. By reducing latency and improving reliability, SASE helps ensure that users have a positive experience when accessing applications from anywhere.

Reduced Complexity and Cost
By consolidating multiple network and security services into a single cloud-based solution, SASE can simplify management and reduce costs. This eliminates the need for multiple-point solutions and reduces the burden on IT staff to manage and maintain them.

Enhanced User Experience
SASE provides a consistent user experience across all devices and locations, helping to boost productivity and reduce frustration. With SASE, users can access applications and data securely from anywhere without having to worry about security or performance issues.

SASE Key Components

SASE consists of several key components, including Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN), Firewall as a Service (FWaaS), Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), and Unified Management. SASE also provides unified management, allowing users to monitor and manage all network and security solutions from a single pane of glass, thereby eliminating the complexity of managing multiple disparate products.

Where to Begin the SASE Adoption Process?

The best approach to SASE adoption is to first identify an organization’s most pressing needs and challenges and understand what drove them to consider SASE. A staircase approach can be taken with SASE, starting with the implementation of one or a few elements of it before adopting the entire solution. This step-by-step approach helps organizations to mitigate risks and avoid potential pitfalls. Starting small also allows for a more manageable implementation process, giving IT teams the opportunity to learn and adjust to the new solution as they go. By taking this approach, organizations can realize the benefits of SASE gradually and steadily, making the adoption process smoother.

Existing SD-WAN and Security

The feasibility of replacing prior SD-WAN and security investments with SASE will depend on a multitude of factors unique to the needs of each organization. To successfully implement SASE, a comprehensive approach is required that takes into consideration an organization’s current network architecture and security posture. Some organizations may have regulatory or security concerns that prevent them from fully adopting cloud-based solutions, leading them to adopt a hybrid approach that may not converge all network and security elements into a single SASE solution. Ultimately, it is essential to conduct a detailed analysis of the organization’s infrastructure and business objectives to determine the optimal approach to implementing SASE while maximizing existing investments in SD-WAN and security technologies.

Why Hardware Nation for SASE?

Our team of experts can offer guidance and assess whether the SASE model is appropriate for your organization’s unique needs. We are partnered with leading SASE vendors, and years of real-world experience implementing SASE solutions enables us to identify the best solutions based on prior use cases. We take a vendor-agnostic approach and guide customers through every stage of the implementation process, from discovery to consultation, roadmap creation, adoption, implementation, and management. Our experts, with their diverse backgrounds in cloud, security, networking, and other key areas, help determine the most effective approach to implementing SASE. The flexibility of SASE allows organizations to adopt it step by step, and our team can provide guidance on the optimal implementation strategy.

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