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Open Network Switches

Increase agility & lower costs with open switches that run on merchant silicon.

Open Switches & NOS

Top Categories

Edge-Core Open Switches

These switches are based on open standards, bare-metal hardware with a choice of independent open NOS.

Mellanox Spectrum Switches

Spectrum switches deliver leading performance & are compatible with Cumulus, SONiC, Onyx, & DENT.

Cumulus Linux NOS

Achieve a new level of control of cost and operations with a pure Linux-based NOS.​

Pica8 NOS

Pica8 focuses on decreasing the cost for its automation software over traditional vendors.

Open Network Switches and Hardware Nation

Open switches are bare metal network switches that run on merchant silicon. They are typically Linux-based which helps network administrators customize the devices specific to their organization’s needs. An open switch may come pre-loaded with an open-source network operating system (NOS) or may be sold as a bare metal device, many times with ONIE (installation environment for metal switches). Together with our partners, Hardware Nation specialists can help your organization select, deploy and manage open network switches that drive your business.

Responsive Expert Support

Our team of experts can help you select, deploy and manage technologies.

Thousands of Brands & Partners

Tap into our network of partners and find the right hardware, software and customized solutions.

End-to-End Solutions

Our team of specialists can help you transform technology into complete IT solutions.

Our Network of Partners

From hardware to software and services, we bringing you the right technology from the top industry vendors. Together, we will achieve better outcomes.

Benefits of Open Network Switches

Freedom of Choice

Choose your hardware and software based on your needs.

Reduced Cost

Significant CapEx and OpEx savings over traditional networking.

Faster Innovation

Innovate faster with a DevOps and community approach.


Reduce costs and save time with automated rollouts and operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hardware Nation and Open Switches

Hardware Nation specializes in open networking and open switches. Together with our partners, we can help your organization select, deploy and manage open switches. We are partnered with top industry brands, including Edge-Core, Cumulus Networks & Mellanox. Please contact your account manager or contact us here to get an account manager assigned to your organization. 

We certainly do. Our team of specialists has years of experience with open switches. Please reach out to your account manager or contact us here to get an account manager assigned to your organization. 

Yes, our specialists provide pre-sales and after-sales support.

Yes, we provide free configuration services when you purchase switches from us. We can load virtually any NOS image onto the switch to help you save time. We are familiar with all the major open NOS options, including Cumulus Linux, Pica8, DENT, SONiC, IP Infusion, Pluribus Networks and others.

We are familiar and partnered with all the major open NOS brands, including Cumulus Linux, Pica8, DENT, SONiC, IP Infusion, Pluribus Networks and others.

We are familiar and partnered with most brands, including Edge-Core, Mellanox, Arista, QCT & Delta Networks.

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Mon – Fri, 8AM – 7PM EST

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Mon – Fri, 8AM – 7PM EST